rothton fireplace mantel

10 Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is here! It’s time to replace those boots and extra blankets with sandals and fresh flowers. As you start packing up, you may realize you have one too many things you no longer want or need. Here at Old World Stoneworks, we’ve gathered some tips to not only make your spring cleaning easy, but help you use what you have for a warm and inviting space!

  1. Grab a Basket! No not an Easter basket. Something big like a hamper or a large bag will serve as your catch-all as you make your rounds from room to room. Fill it with the things you don’t want, then do the same with a different basket or bag and fill with things that either belong in another room or in storage.
  2. Proactively Reminisce. It’s hard not to pick something and stare at it for a while, remembering its glory days. Instead of dreaming, really consider when you last used it. If you haven’t used it in months, years or more, it may be time to toss or donate it.
  3. Freshen the Fireplace. Sprinkle coffee grounds on any ashes for easier clean-up. You can then reuse the ashes for fertilizer! There are many other ways to reuse your ashes and go green around the house!
  4. Clean top to bottom. Start with higher areas like counters and fireplace mantels as you sweep so all the dirt falls to the ground. If you clean the floors first, you’ll end up with dirty floors again!
  5. Go Corner to Corner. When vacuuming, start in the farther corner and work toward the door. Not only is the room fresher, it makes it more inviting with the repetitive front-to-back motions (the look of symmetry) in the carpet.
  6. Cleaning Tiles Neutrally. When cleaning kitchen or bathroom tiles or even the ones surrounding your fireplace, use a cleaner that has a neutral pH on the label. You can make your own by mixing ½ cup baking soda into two gallons of water. Mix well! Apply with a sponge or string mop.
  7. Couch Surf…with a dry cleaning sponge! Remove the cushions then go over the pillows with a dry cleaning sponge to remove dirt and oil. Pull out your vacuum cleaner and pick up the treasure that’s collected under the cushions.
  8. Dust Those Screens! We often hang our TV above the fireplace and while you’re great at keeping your fireplace mantel and surround spotless, you may overlook your T.V. Grab a soft microfiber cloth to wipe away dust instead of a paper towel and only use a tiny bit of dish soap to remove any stubborn debris.
  9. Let Dust Fly…from your ceiling fan. Use a vacuum hose or broom to remove cobwebs and dust from your ceiling fan or light fixtures. Believe it or not, your ceiling fans and light fixtures really anchor a room, much like a fireplace can, so keeping them clean is a great way to create an inviting space.
  10. Add a Basket. Place a small basket near or by your fireplace to organize and tidy things up. Have a throw you only use once in a while? Why not roll it up and use as decoration in the basket? Pillows, cases and other decorations can also go in here for later use, just be sure to not let it overfill!

Decorating with Leftovers

You may have an extra pillow here and there and a towel or two that’s versatile enough to go from season to season. For an easy makeover as we transition into Spring, create a different mood by moving throws, table linens and bedding around from room to room or just switch with other textiles you have in the home.

Bookshelves can also harbor fugitives from around the home—extra keys, random scarves or even that missing sock. By simply reorganizing your bookshelf and moving a decoration from one area of the room to a shelf can make a dramatic change. Sort books by size and subject, and line books vertically and horizontally in a rhythmic pattern. Sometimes, lack of monotony makes for an inviting space.

When your family gathers around the fireplace, we use things like coffee tables, comfy chairs and ottomans in front of the warm fire to keep us comfortable. What we don’t pay attention to is the area rug, one of the most used items in a home. Area rugs need cleaning too and you can do this by treating stains with club soda, but act quickly when its stains caused by pets, red wine, coffee or any other acid based liquid.

What are your spring cleaning tips and tricks? How do you keep your fireplace mantel tidy and clean? Do you transition décor from winter and fall to spring and summer? We can’t wait to be inspired by your answers!