fire screen

Old World Stoneworks November Newsletter

COMPANY NEWS: Our Obsession with This Old House Continues

We’ve been following This Old House all season, excited about our products appearing on the popular PBS television show. Our mantel is ready for their close-up, and extremely photogenic, if we do say so ourselves. If you’ve missed the show, our TOH blog recaps will bring you up to speed.

Before and After

Calling all satisfied customers: We’d love to feature your home project in a before and after blog post. If you’re installing one of our mantels or range hoods, please document the process and share your photos or videos with us. Then other customers can see what sort of home transformations are possible.
Holiday Gifts for the Hearth

After a big Thanksgiving meal, America’s collective mind turns to…SHOPPING! Instead of gifting relatives with the same old same old, how about buying something to enhance their hearth? Here are a few of our favorite holiday gift ides for those fire aficionado’s on your list:

Log Totes

A thoughtful and inexpensive gift, we’ve seen log totes on Amazon for less than 20 dollars. Log totes are made of heavy-duty canvas or other strong material, with enclosed ends to prevent wood chips and dirt from spill all over the floor. This is a nice present for any fire aficionado.

Fire Screens

fire screen

Wear your favorite argyle socks and relax in front of this fun fire screen.

Fire screens add safety and style. You can find them in classic or modern designs. We favor the durability of handcrafted solid steel, which harkens back to the days of blacksmithing. A fire screen instantly dresses up your hearth.

Fireplace Tools

fireplace tools

The Black Knight Fireplace Tool Ensemble

All fire builders need tools. This is another accessory that reflects a wide range of styles. Browse antique stores for your friends who love old stuff, or go to a department store for shiny and contemporary tools. Do you have any King Arthur fans on your list? Make their knight before Christmas with this fire tool set. If rustic lumberjack is more their style, consider something like this unique juniper tool set.

Log Racks

log racks

Does your friend’s house look like this? She obviously needs a log rack.

Big or small, rectangular or rounded, indoor or outdoor, there’s a lot of ways to store logs. We like the graceful arc styles that hold about an eighth of a cord of wood for inside use, and businesslike, heavy-duty rectangular racks for outside. There are tons of styles to choose from and depending on your taste, you can get everything from industrial to sleek when it comes to log racks for your home.

Hearth Pads

Hearth pads are made from fireproof material, and can protect the area around your fireplace from embers and sparks. They’re rated by R-value, which measure the capacity of insulating material to withstand heat. The higher the number, the better it will insulate – or, in this case, protect your floor from heat. Though this sounds very utilitarian, manufacturers produce beautiful hearth pads these days. Most are made to resemble stone or tile.

A New Mantle

If you really, really like somebody on your list, how about giving them a gorgeous new mantel? Holidays don’t get much better than finding a brand new mantel hung with stockings on Christmas morning.

victoria mantel

Blow someone’s mind with the Christmas morning surprise of our custom see-through Victoria mantel.

At Old World Stoneworks, we wish you the start of a glorious holiday season.